Saturday, November 12, 2011


It's those unwarranted instances where your heartbeat skips (or seems to skip).
Fifty-five beats this minute reduces to forty-three the next.
The momentary skips dilate time and give you space to think ---
Is it a physiological phenomena that's a cause for alarm? Go see a doctor.
Did you just forget to breathe? Lord knows how stupid that sounds.
But it's painful.
And each day it recurs like the irregular rhythm becomes your regular heartbeat.

You've been through a lot lately. Or so you thought.
Surprises and suppresses go up and down together in spiral staircases.
Human instinct permits you to hate, feel stronger, and pick yourself up again.
That's always the sequence. Or so you thought.
Because in the middle of everything, arrythmia suddenly holds you up.
You have a choice. You can choose the sequence.

Patterns are the most beautiful symbols in this great Architecture.
Lines, Curves, Numbers, Sounds, even Emotions.
Heartbeats are but one part of the unfathomable human and non-human abyss.
Do you choose and dare to break your Pattern?
Thank God for arrythmia, I get the chance to read divine signals. #

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