Wednesday, February 22, 2012


by Ayn

Yes. The only answer you accept.
Maybes struggle for equilibrium
No matter how tight the rope on end to end
Only a yes---a rock-hard, unbroken yes.

Where do I come from?
A take-up from a cold zilch yesterday,
Or from modest heaps of nixes amassed over time?
It's still a springboard, in any case.

Expectation, Anticipation, and Optimism
Ring sounds of assent but are still understated.
Hope. Life is felt when hope is drank.
I can dream not, but hope not, I refuse.

It rained in New York that day.
The Big Noon Guy only waited from behind.
Since they're neither sweet nor saline,
I let it permeate my cover

This is not the first time.
Does it bother you knowing you know what to expect?
You know you need a yes.
A rock-hard, unbroken yes.

Here's to another interlude,
Where patience gets deducted from hope,
To a point when I ask the Big Noon Guy,
Does it even rain in New York? #

photo fr